M3 Series Aerosol Defensive Sprays M4 Series Aerosol Defensive Sprays
We produce our M3-xx and M4-xx series of defensive sprays in a range of formulations to
meet law enforcement agency's needs. Models are available that discharge
OC, CS, or OC/CS formulations. These units fire a ballistic stream of irritant
solution to allow the operator to deliver a strong disabling effect to the target
subject at a safe distance. An OC Foam spray formulation is also available.
The units feature a spring loaded safety cover that reduces the possibility
of an accidental discharge.
M9 Series Aerosol Defensive Sprays
The M9-xx High Volume Sprays fire a high velocity stream of OC, CS or OC/CS solution to allow the
operator to rapidly deliver a large quantity of irritant on target. This unit is very effective for
use in riot and crowd control situations where a large number of people are close to
police lines and in situations where officers are outnumbered. The pistol-grip
handle with thumb trigger allows accurate placement of the spray at ranges out to 25 feet.
Defensive Spray Inert Training Units
All of our defensive sprays are available in inert training
versions to allow proper training of officers in their use in personal
defense, riot, and crowd control situations. Our training units
feature the same safety and firing features as our “live” models. The
units fire the same number of bursts and have the same range and stream
characteristics to provide an exact duplicate of the operation of the “live” models.
Decontamination Spray Formula
Our decontamination formula is a natural herbal blend designed to
quickly provide relief for the burning and irritation caused by exposure
to OC, CS and CN sprays and gases. The formula is available in several